Monday, March 23, 2009

Carter's First Zoo Trip

It was such a beautiful day Sunday that Jim and I decided to take the boys to the zoo. April, Britt, Conner & Carson met us there and we had a great time. Apparently, we were not the only people who decided to take advantage of the beautiful day, half of Birmingham was already there. If you haven't been lately, they have a kangaroo exhibit that's awesome. A tour guide takes you into the exhibit with the kangaroo's so you can get really close to them. However, the line was too long so we will have to see them next time. The next place we visited was the playgroud so I could feed the baby and Aiden was so proud because he was able to climb all the way to the top of the spider web with minimal help!

The next stop was the petting zoo, nature trail and archaeological site to dig for bones!

By the time we finished with the "dig" everyone was ready to go home and do what we usually do --- watch TV!

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Beginning of Something Special

This is my first post to what, without a doubt is going to become the world's most boring blog. It was easy enough in the beginning to post pictures of my children but since I only have two of them, there are only so many pcitures I can post. Now the hard part begins. I find myself thinking in the shower, the car or at my desk at work about what people are going to think about the things I write and of course, I have analyzed it to death. So here goes. There will be misspelled words, run-on sentences and completely random thoughts but stay with me because it just might turn out to be a fun ride!